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Beat the Heat This Summer with CertainTeed’s Cool Roof System

Summer is soon to arrive. This entails high temperatures, excessive humidity, and higher electricity costs. Do your clients want to secure their homes and reduce their energy costs? A cool roof can lengthen the lifespan of their roof and lessen the impact of the urban heat island effect and building cooling loads.

Due to its multiple advantages in terms of energy efficiency, cost savings, environmental sustainability, and reflectivity, cool roofing systems, and reflective shingles have grown in popularity in recent years. Let’s examine what your consumers need to know about the cool roofing alternatives available from CertainTeed.

How Does the Cool Roof Work?

Dark-colored shingles are used to cover the majority of roofs throughout the world, including 90% of those in the United States. A black roof’s surface can reach up to 184° F in direct sunlight, an increase of close to 100° F over the surrounding air temperature. The following are some effects that the rise in surface temperature may have:

  • Higher attic temperatures
  • Increased cooling costs
  • Decreased indoor comfort,
  • Accelerated roof deterioration,
  • Increased roof maintenance costs,
  • Higher levels of roofing waste sent to landfills.
  • Higher peak electricity demand,
  • Higher electricity production costs,
  • A potential overloaded power grid,
  • Increased air pollution due to the “heat island effect.”

Any structure or building with a dark roof – except those with specially coated reflective granules – will consume more energy for air conditioning than a “cooler” building. This can cause strain on both operating costs and the electric power grid.  Cool roof products like Landmark Solaris Presidential Solaris, other CRRC (Cool Roof Rating Council), and other CertainTeed shingles rated by the CRRC (Cool Roof Rating Council) offer immediate and long-term energy cost savings. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that cool roofs can:

Reduce energy use: a cool roof transfers less heat to the home below, so the house stays cooler and uses less energy for air conditioning.

Reduces air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions: by lowering energy usage, cool roofs decrease the production associated with air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Improve human health and comfort: A cool roof can reduce air temperatures inside a home or commercial building with or without air conditioning. This helps to prevent heat-related illnesses and deaths.

Benefits of a Cool Roof

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Cool roofing solutions have a major impact on energy efficiency because of their capacity to reflect sunlight and reduce heat absorption by directing a significant amount of solar light away from the structure. Cool Roofs reduce heat transfer into the attic and other interior areas, so your customer won’t need as much air conditioning, which will put less stress on their cooling systems. Lower energy use, as a result, results in significant power bill cost savings.

Shingles with reflective surfaces are essential for cooling roofing systems. The highly reflecting elements used in these specifically created shingles, like light-colored granules or coatings, improve their capacity to reflect sunlight. They thus lower the quantity of solar heat received by the roof system, thereby lowering the interior temperature of the house. With less reliance on mechanical cooling, a suitable indoor climate can be maintained even in Southeast Florida’s hot heat, thanks to this improved reflectivity.

In regions where the sun’s heat can be a problem, CertainTeed’s CRRC Rated shingles are the ideal option. These are the trusted options for shielding your homeowner’s house from the elements if they want complete peace of mind. Up to 29% of the heat from the sun is reflected away from the house by CertainTeed’s Landmark Solaris®, Landmark Solaris PRO® and other CertainTeed shingles rated by the CRRC (Cool Roof Rating Council).

Environmental Sustainability

By minimizing the urban heat island effect, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and encouraging an eco-friendly built environment, cool roof systems support environmental sustainability. Due to the concentration of heat-absorbing surfaces, such as dark-colored roofs and pavements, and fewer trees and foliage, cities typically experience higher temperatures than their rural surroundings. This phenomenon is known as the “urban heat island effect.” By reflecting sunlight, lowering ambient temperatures, minimizing heat absorption, and enhancing air quality, cool roofs counteract this effect. The Miami 21 Zoning Code was designed specifically to reduce the “urban heat island effect”, by requiring roof coverings, whether asphalt shingles, clay or concrete tile, metal roofs, flat roofs, etc, to have a minimum 15% reflectivity.

By consuming less energy, cool roofing systems lower the demand for electricity produced from fossil fuels. As a result, with a more eco-friendly roof system, the greenhouse gas emissions linked to the production of electricity decline. By increasing the lifespan of the roofing materials, cool roofs also aid in the sustainable design of homes. Additionally, decreasing thermal stress on the roof minimizes thermal expansion and contraction, extending the roof’s lifespan and cutting down on waste.

Human Comfort

By lessening the heat island effect, preserving cooler temperatures, and enhancing air quality, cool roofing solutions greatly increase indoor comfort and well-being. Additionally, cool roofs reduce heat transfer to the interior, producing cooler living and working environments by reflecting a larger percentage of sunlight. This increases occupant comfort, decreases demand on air conditioning, and boosts productivity.

Lower roof surface temperatures are a result of reflecting shingles’ reduced heat absorption. This lessens the chance of structural damage and increases the roof’s lifespan by preventing heat buildup in the attic. By preserving a constant interior temperature, cool roofs also contribute to the creation of a more dependable and comfortable atmosphere.

All CertainTeed shingles rated by the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) meet the strict Miami 21 Zoning Code reflectivity requirements of 15% or more. They might also be eligible for LEED, NAHB, or other “green” programs’ credits or points.  The federal government department – Energy Star – ceased all certifications and verifications for roof coverings effective 6/1/2022.  Here is the link for CRRC 3rd party Verification:

For More information on the CertainTeed Cool Roofing System click HERE

Contact the Anusbigian Team today if your homeowner is prepared to go green, save energy and money, and contribute to a sustainable future for the earth. Style does not have to be sacrificed in the name of sustainability. Your clients can invest in cool roof technology without sacrificing the look they want for their home.